SYNERGIA Project – “A network for cooperation and exchange of experience between high-level officials from Central and Eastern Europe" (2019-2023) is an international project of the Polish National School of Public Administration (KSAP). It is implemented in partnership with the Bulgarian Institute of Public Administration (IPA), Latvian School of Public Administration (LSPA) and Hungarian University of Civil Public Service (NUPS).


In the framework of the Project an international training programme is organized and conducted. It aims to enrich the participants’ leadership knowledge and skills, to exchange practical experience among high level civil servants from Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary, Latvia and international trainers, and to develop common recommendations for good governance in public administration.

Participants in the Programme (from the Bulgarian public administration) can be: Bulgarian high level officials on managerial positions (secretaries general, directors of departments, etc.), nominated by their institutions, ready to participate actively in all modules of the programme and selected by IPA on the basis of the Project’s criteria and requirements (more information: The number of the Bulgarian participants is limited - maximum 10 Bulgarian civil servants can participate in one edition of the Programme.

The Programme discusses and analyzes current issues and good practices in different key areas of public administration (more information: The training in the program is entirely practical -  based on the discussion of practical cases, exchange of experience and presentations. Lecturers in the program are high-level experts and professors, teaching in prestigious institutions, universities and business schools in Europe and USA (more information:

The programme consists of 5 consecutive modules, each of which is organized in different time period in the respective countries. Each civil servant must participate in all modules in order to be certified.

The International Programme is implemented in the period 2020 - 2023 and a total of 4 editions are planned for the entire period. The first pilot edition of the programme is launched in 2020.

More information: (in Bulgarian)  (in English)




Mimi Yotova, IPA’s Project Coordinator,

tel: 00 359882026609 , e-mail: