Models for Assessing Digital Competences

Models for Assessing Digital Competences

On 18 December 2006, with a Recommendation of the European Parliament and the Council of the EU on key skills, digital competence was recognised as one of the 8 key competences for lifelong learning by the European Union. In 2010, the European Commission's European Strategy 2020 recognized digital competence as a fundamental basic skill. In 2013, the European Commission published the European Digital Competence Framework for Citizens, also known as DigComp, which offers a tool to assess and improve citizens' digital competences. Currently DigComp framework is in version 2.1 and defines 21 competencies mapped to 5 competence areas.

The purpose of the Analytical report is to propose a model for digital competencies assessment for public servants, based on the best practices in European Union countries in the last 5 years.

To align with the purpose in the Analytical report are presented: the evolution of the DigComp framework throughout the years; detailed overview of five projects; research data based on face-to-face- interviews with representatives of Public Administration Institutes of Poland and Slovenia and survey among 1056 public servants in Bulgaria.
